How I Went From an Aspiring Newbie to Full-Time YouTuber Generating Passive Income

My name is Jon Corres and I'm 26 years old and just graduated with my Doctorates in Physical Therapy. The crazy thing is that I actually don't work as a physical therapist right now- I guess you can say that I'm a YouTube therapist?

I've always had a passion for videos; however, I had a fear of being in front of the camera. I started YouTube back in December of 2018 with ASMR videos because at the time, I was very uncomfortable on camera. While some ASMR YouTubers were eating golden tomahawk steaks, I was just eating a bowl of cereal...

When I realized that those types of videos were not helping my diet, I transitioned into creating physical therapy videos. Still, the feeling of comfort was not there. In addition, spending 8 hours+ on a video to only gain a few views was quite demoralizing - this model of YouTube would be impossible to scale.

After I dropped the idea of creating physical therapy related videos, I studied channels like WatchMojo and became fascinated with the idea of top 10 videos. I then studied other very prominent channels like TheTalko and The Richest and tried my best to deconstruct their successes. I watched hours of interviews on Ashkan Karbasfrooshan and even bought his book (he's the CEO of WatchMojo). After having learned so much about this "faceless model" of YouTube (videos where you don't have to show your face on the video), I launched my first few top 10 videos in the TV shows niche around NovSub-headlineember of 2019. These first few videos completely

FLOPPED and were costing me hundreds of dollars EACH to make. By the time January of 2020 came, I was down $1,700 in the gutter but the thing is...


I kept posting regularly and by the 2nd to last week of February, I noticed one of my videos was starting gain views and was getting picked up by the YouTube algorithm. 10,000 views... 50,000 views... Then it turned into 100,000 views... But it didn't stop there. That single video hit ONE MILLION views on February 27, 2020. At that point, it had already made over $3,000 which is more than what I "invested" into YouTube. To this date, that video now has over 7.5 MILLION views and has made me over $18,000.

It was at that point, I knew that I was going to become a full-time YouTuber.

I started this website to help people start faceless YouTube channels and to prove that you CAN become successful on YouTube without having to film or create videos yourself. 

Want to know where you should start?

Well, here's something I think you'll enjoy.

I created this FREE 30 minute training for you on My Top 10 Secrets to Generating Income With Viral Videos on Youtube [].

It's great for new YouTubers or people who are struggling to grow on YouTube.

The training covers topics including:

  • 3 Biggest Reasons Why You're Not On YouTUbe

  • 10 Secrets to Making Your Videos Go Viral

  • My Viral Video Pro Course Introduction

  • Special Discount at the End

Check Out My YouTube Channel

Because creating videos on my viral video channels is so passive, my main passion right now is getting back to filming actual videos and working on being more comfortable on camera.

I’ve found that there aren’t many channels on YouTube that provide useful advice on helping people who don't want to show their face on camera, so I'm building one.

As a lover of YouTube, I strive to make helpful videos to help current and new YouTubers grow.  Here is one of my more popular videos currently: